nowadays people are working hard to earn money by doing anything...full time + part time..even they will ~burn~ the quality time with their love one for the sack of money...but seriously speaking who doesnt want to be rich?
me too..want to be like Mr roman the owner of Chelsea football club or mR Fernandes the boss of Air Asia.
but what the step to it?
and how?
i think this will get some idea or we definitely must have someone to teach us how to be one..
click here
maybe it will help you...
who knows...~
Sunday, December 28, 2008
welcome 1430~

1430H...year that we must remember.
its remind us the journey of our beloved prophet Muhammad(pbuh)from Mekkah to Madinah together with his best friend Abu bakr.
at the same time where`s the kufar without fail tried to kill Prophet(pbuh). The history remains unforgettable..
as khalifah omar with the ulama` at that time agreed to make that particular event as the calendar of Islam. which is useful for us to know how the sacrifices, burdens and show the love toward his ummah.
may this new calendar will make us ready to `hijrah` and renew our niyyah with His blessing and barakah~.
~kullu am wa antum bi kheir~
Friday, December 26, 2008
rivision & exam

exam just around the corner... approximately on January...iam doing revision together with my fellow Malaysian friends plus this one Comoros ..
u can see how serious iam this time..huhu..
the subjects that iam talking for this semester are:
1. tauhid
2. wasail da`wah
3. dakhil fi tafsir
4. qadaya fiqhiyah
revise... memories..
iam trying my best this time...
above all that..i leave everything to Him..
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
niLe CiTy & functions
we took some of the pictures while we were having our dinner and it was also a nice treat for zaki n nasr as their complete their degree -Al-azhar-.
12 of us..all of us dat are willing to cash out some money just to have a good time having dinner together and also to celebrate our new post graduate Mr zaki n mr nasarudin.
we enjoy our nite hard feeling between us...just a small brotherhood gather willing to spend time & money even though it was very expensive for that particular event.
guest what...
it almost reach 2000 E.L.
baini wa bainakum hudallah~
congrate broz~
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Eid Adha~

tomorrow will be the biggest day to all muslims around the world. in Singapore, i heard dat my school `al-junied islamic school` ordered around 320 goats already there..
while here in egypt -Cairo-..the singapore student organization also ordered some goats dat ready to be `slaughter`...seems like the whole singapore student will be there tomorrow..
-zakzik- the malaysian student organization ordered 3 big fat camel for the eid adha almubarak...wuuhuuuuu~~
soo this time around i will be here in zakzik...
`makan daging unta ya habibi`
~minal a izin wal fa izin kullu am wa antum bi khair~
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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