Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The day when you grow older, you will feel that everything had gone by, makes you more mature, more independent and more caring towards others. iam a guy that appreciate friendship and iam so lucky to have wonderful friends around me. Believe in each other is one of important things in relationship. I spend more time with my friends rather then family, at the same time we also know our family background as well. got what i mean?

If we look back the life of our prophet P.B.U.H, the sahabah around him are very truthful to him. Saidina Abu Bakr for an instant,acompany him from Mekah to Madinah. Willing to die for the Prophet P.B.U.H, willing to do everything he said..yes..everything. try to have the spirit that sahabah showed were very difficult but one thing for sure we can try to follow is that, show the love towards you friends. You will find that they are also have that kind of feeling to you.

The laughter, the sadness going through all the time that we spend together and the list goes on. while i am still breathing and still walking. While the times allow me to see the significant and beautiful creation of god, i will never forget my fellow friends. we grow together as friends..then we die and bury side by side as Prophet P.B.U.H with Abu Bakr and Umar may Allah bless then with rahmah and forgiveness.

taqobal minnah ya rab.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

ThE KaKi BaNgKu

dyntv gonna try to produce another short film by the title `the Kaki Bangku`. currently, we are on brain storming session for the time being. will update for more..

stay tune..


Saturday, May 30, 2009

New look~

i have created another blog site just to make it more interesting and mature and also i will post some topics that related with Islamic religion. hopefully it will benefit us as a muslim believer and for those who are try to find truth about Islam. there is one website that made a compilation of the muslim blogger in Singapore and i can see most of them are former madrasah students in Singapore.Clik here. So i hope this info will benefit to you.

till we meet again.


Monday, May 18, 2009

oH..u..swine Flu...

so its true the virus is spreading very fast from one part of a country to another, and people are very scared and keep aware of this virus from being the victim. some country are doing their best to prevent from get infected by this virus and Egypt is not excluded..trying hard to gain trust from the world that the country is safe from the flu. but by killing 350,000 pigs, the country automatically secure from this virus? may allah guide us to the right path and bestow us with his mercy...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

will be on movie~!

i have read the novel..and this time the movie will be out soon..i just cant wait to watch it..haha...

eonjoy the trailer...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


while people are getting forward and progressing... iam still down here crawling..

while some of my friends are reaching their destination...

iam still drawing the road where iam heading to..

while some of them start to feel the happiness..i still walking slowly..bit by bit..

dear allah... may you show us to the straight path and forbidden us from saying GIVE UP~


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

umrah 2009

Thank God. thats the 1st werd i gonna say.. give me the blessing that i will not forget for my entire life..

kali ni aku dapat peluang lagi sekali untuk menjejakan kaki ke tanah suci..yang di berkati..memang secara mengejut aku menunaikan umrah..tetapi inilah dinamakan rezki dari tuhan..

bila mendapat keizinan dari keluarga..aku langsung pergi ke duta singapura untuk mendapat surat yang menyatakan bahawa aku ingin menunaikan umrah. ini mempermudahkan urusan apabila berada di duta saudi yang memang padat setiap hari.

dan apabila selesai urusan untuk mendapatkan visa aku langsung mendapatkan tiket peneerbangan yang ke jeddah. 27.3.09 adalah tarikh yang sesuai bagi aku untuk pergi ke tanah haram.

selain dari menunaikan umrah aku juga dapat berkenalan dengan pelajar2 madinah dan juga mekkah. mereka memang sangat-sangat mengalu-alukan kehadiran tetamu lagi2 dayat..hehe.. memang seronoklah.. tak terkira..

dalam kesempatan ke tanah suci ini.. shahib ada meminta dayat untuk merakam aktiviti2 aku serta tempat2 bersejarah di sekeliling mekah dan madinah. memang tidak di rancang.. demi untuk agama yang tercinta dan memperluaskan usaha dakwah yang murni ini aku dan dayat membuat video sekaligus menjadi episode rancangan di

tidak secara langsung rancangan itu juga memberi satu info kepada mereka dan agar dyntv ni menjadi satu wadah dakwah agar tidak ketinggalan dgn dunia moden...cewahhh.. hehe...

ada 4 episode, setiap satu episode kita mengupas topik berbeza. insya allah kalau tak ada aral melintang aku akan membuat video lagi..tapi masih dalam perancangan..yang penting usaha murni tu guys terima kasih kerana membaca..

muda2han kite mendapat keberkatan dariNYA



Sunday, March 15, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

tombo ati

maulidur rasul S.A.W

MENYELUSURI sirah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. selama 63 tahun hayat baginda, kita dapati junjungan mulia ini telah menjejaki beberapa kota sama ada atas tujuan dakwah, hijrah, perjalanan mukjizat mahupun perniagaan.
Sempena sambutan Maulidur Rasul tahun ini, barangkali menjadi sesuatu yang menarik andai kita dapat mengimbas kembali kehidupan baginda bukan sahaja dari sudut keperibadiannya, bahkan juga mengekori jejak perjalanannya.
Mengenali lebih dekat kota-kota yang pernah baginda jejaki pastinya akan menambahkan penghayatan kita dalam mendalami sejarah hidup baginda.
Kota pertama yang begitu sinonim dengan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tentulah kota kelahirannya iaitu Mekah. Nabi Muhammad telah diputerakan di Mekah, Arab Saudi pada hari Isnin, 12 Rabiulawal bersamaan 20 April 571 Masihi.
Kelahiran putera kepada Abdullah dan Aminah ini membawa lentera ke seluruh pelosok tanah haram dan diriwayatkan penduduk Mekah, mereka melihat sinaran cahaya yang sungguh menghairankan dan menggirangkan saat baginda dilahirkan. Kala itu, api-api yang disembah kaum Majusi turut terpadam.
Dengan kelahiran junjungan mulia itu, bertambah terkenal kota Mekah yang berpasir dan berdebu.
Kini, kota Mekah, tempat terbinanya Kaabah menjadi tumpuan umat Islam seluruh dunia bagi menunaikan ibadat haji, Rukun Islam kelima. Mekah atau Makkah al-Mukarramah terletak kira-kira 73 kilometer (km) dari timur Jeddah, ibu kota Arab Saudi di ketinggian 277 meter (910 kaki) dari paras laut.
Bandar raya ini terletak di antara gunung-ganang yang telah ditakrifkan sebagai pengembangan kontemporari bandar raya itu. Ia berpusat di sekitar Masjid al-Haram.
Dianggarkan sejumlah 3.5 juta umat Islam membanjiri tanah suci Mekah khususnya pada bulan Zulhijjah setiap tahun ketika musim haji.
Kota kedua yang dijejaki Nabi Muhammad s.a.w ialah Bosra di Syam (kini, Syria) ketika mengikuti bapa saudaranya, Abu Talib. Ketika itu, baginda berusia 12 tahun. Abu Talib yang amat menyayangi Nabi Muhammad merupakan penjaga baginda setelah bapa, ibu dan datuknya, Abdul Mutalib wafat.
Semasa pemergian baginda ke kota itulah, sifat kenabian Nabi Muhammad s.a.w berjaya dikesan oleh seorang pendeta Nasrani, Bahira. Antaranya, Bahira menyaksikan kelompok awan yang menaungi rombongan perniagaan Abu Talib ketika perjalanan dan ia tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini. Bahira adalah insan pertama yang meminta agar Abu Talib benar-benar menjaga Nabi Muhammad s.a.w kerana jika diketahui kewujudan baginda, pasti orang Yahudi akan menghapuskannya.
Bosra kini merupakan satu bandar bersejarah mengandungi kota-kota era Rom, Byzantine dan Islam yang telah musnah. Ia telah diiktiraf sebagai kawasan warisan dunia oleh Pertubuhan Pendidikan Sains dan Kebudayaan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (UNESCO).

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w direkodkan pernah ke Syam sekali lagi ketika membantu memperdagangkan barangan hartawan wanita, Siti Khadijah Khuwailid yang kemudiannya menjadi isteri baginda. Siti Khadijah terpikat dengan keluhuran akhlak dan sifat amanah yang dimiliki baginda yang terkenal dengan jolokan al-Amin dalam kalangan masyarakat Arab Quraisy.
Setelah diangkat menjadi Rasul ketika berusia 40 tahun, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w mula menyebarkan dakwah. Antara kota yang pernah dijejaki Rasulullah untuk berdakwah ialah Ta'if yang merupakan sebuah bandar dalam negara Arab Saudi dan terletak kira-kira 97 km dari kota Mekah.
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w memilih kota itu kerana menyangkakan kota subur itu lebih mudah menerima Islam setelah baginda menerima tentangan hebat daripada kaum musyrikin Mekah.
Namun kedatangan baginda telah diejek dan dihina oleh penduduk Ta'if dengan balingan batu sehingga tubuhnya berdarah. Keadaan itu menyebabkan malaikat Jibril turun dan bertanyakan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, adakah baginda mahu malaikat menghancurkan kota itu dengan menghempapkan gunung. Namun Nabi Muhammad s.a.w menolak dan sekadar berdoa moga-moga Ta'if melahirkan zuriat yang menyembah Allah yang Esa. Doa baginda dimakbulkan apabila kota Ta'if kemudiannya menerima Islam.
Begitulah terpujinya akhlak Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Biar seteruk mana tentangan yang diterima, baginda tidak menyimpan dendam dan tidak akan membalas perbuatan yang jahat dengan kejahatan.
Ta'if kini merupakan satu daerah yang cukup terkenal dengan tanaman anggur dan madu. Padang pasirnya juga ditumbuhi kaktus. Berpopulasi penduduk 521,273 orang, majoriti penduduknya adalah Islam bermazhab Sunni.
Selain itu, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w juga menjejaki masjid al-Aqsa di kota Baitulmuqaddis (Jerusalem) di Palestin menerusi satu perjalanan mukjizat yang dinamakan Isra' Mikraj. Masjid al-Aqsa disebutkan dalam al-Quran sebagai tempat transit baginda sebelum dimikraj ke langit dalam peristiwa yang berlaku pada 27 Rejab 620 Masihi.
Kini, Baitulmuqaddis adalah sebuah kota yang kaya dengan tamadun dan budaya. Kota lama Baitulmuqaddis (juga dikenali sebagai Baitulmuqaddis Timur) dikelilingi dengan tembok yang dibina sejak kurun ke-15 lagi. Kota lama ini terbahagi kepada empat kawasan iaitu Islam, Kristian, Yahudi dan Armenia.
Sehingga hari ini, status semasa kota itu masih menjadi konflik dan terus dipertikaikan.
Sebelum berhijrah ke Madinah, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w meminta sebahagian pengikutnya berhijrah ke Habsyah (kini Euthopia) untuk mendapatkan perlindungan rajanya, Raja Najasyi yang diketahui tidak berlaku zalim. Najasyi mengalu-alukan ketibaan mereka dan tidak membenarkan mereka diserah kepada penguasa di Mekah.

Walaupun Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tidak turut serta dalam hijrah itu, namun peristiwa penghijrahan sekumpulan umat Islam Mekah ke Habsyah tetap menjadi sejarah.
Peristiwa hijrah ke kota Madinah atau nama asalnya, Yathrib pula berlaku pada 622 Masihi. Ketika itulah bermulanya permulaan kalendar hijrah. Penghijrahan ini berlaku bukan kerana umat Islam takut ancaman puak Quraish Mekah tetapi kerana jemputan penduduk Madinah sendiri.
Selepas tiba di Madinah, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. merangka sebuah perlembagaan bagi menyatupadukan penduduk Madinah. Perlembagaan itu dipersetujui oleh semua penduduk Madinah dan dikenali sebagai Piagam Madinah.
Di Madinahlah terletaknya masjid pertama dalam Islam iaitu Masjid Quba'. Di kota itu jugalah terletaknya Masjid an-Nabawi yang mana terdapat makam Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, kawasan yang dibina di atas tapak rumah baginda.
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w wafat di Madinah pada tahun 632 Masihi.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ibn Kathir

His name was :Ismail ibn Kathir (Arabic: ابن كثير‎) (1301–1373) was an Islamic scholar and renowned commentator on the Qur'an.

His full name is Abu Al-Fida, 'Imad Ad-Din Isma'il bin 'Umar bin Kathir Al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi. He was born in 1301 in Busra, Syria (hence Al-Busrawi). He was taught by Shaikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyya in Damascus, Syria and Abu al-Hajjaj Al-Mizzi, (d. 1373), Fiqh with Ibn Al Firkah, Hadith with ‘Isa bin Al-Mutim, Ahmed bin Abi-Talib (Ibn Ash-Shahnah) (died in 730AH), Ibn Al-Hajjar (died in 730AH), the Hadith narrator of Ash-Sham (modern day Syria and surrounding areas), Baha Ad-Din Al-Qasim bin Muzaffar bin ‘Asakir (died in 723AH), Ibn Ash-Shirazi, Ishaq bin Yahya Al-Ammuddi, aka ;Afif Ad-Din, the Zahriyyah Shaykh (died in 725AH), and Muhammad bin Zarrad , [1].

Upon completion of his studies he obtained his first official appointment in 1341, when he joined an inquisitorial commission formed to determine certain questions of heresy. Thereafter he received various semi-official appointments, culminating in June/July 1366 with a professorial position at the Great Mosque of Damascus. Ibn Kathir wrote a famous commentary on the Qur'an named Tafsir ibn Kathir which linked certain Hadith, or sayings of Muhammad, and sayings of the sahaba to verses of the Qur'an, in explanation. Tafsir Ibn Kathir is famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu'ran today.

Ibn Kathir was renowned for his great memory regarding the sayings of Muhammad and the entire Qur'an. Ibn Kathir is known as a qadi, a master scholar of history, and a mufassir (Qur'an commentator). Ibn Kathir saw himself as a Shafi scholar. This is indicated by two of his books, one of which was Tabaqaat ah-Shafai'ah, or The Categories of the Followers of Imam Shafi.

In later life, he became blind. He attributes his blindness to working late at night on the Musnad of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in an attempt to rearrange it topically rather than by narrator.

Ibn Kathir died in February 1373 in Damascus.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Asbab al-nuzul

something i would like to share with you. its about quran and the knowledge of it.

on this entree i start with:-

1. Asbab al-nuzul:

Asbāb al-nuzūl اسباب النزول, an Arabic term meaning "occasions/circumstances of revelation", is a secondary genre of Qur'ānic exegesis (tafsir) directed at establishing the context in which specific verses of the Qur'ān were revealed. Though of some use in reconstructing the Qur'ān's historicity, asbāb is by nature an exegetical rather than a historiographical genre, and as such usually associates the verses it explicates with general situations rather than specific events.

Asbāb is the plural of the Arabic word sabab, which means 'cause', 'reason', or 'occasion', and nuzūl is the verbal noun of the verb root nzl, literally meaning to descend or to send down, and thus (metaphorically) to reveal, referring Allah sending down a revelation to his prophets. Though technical terms within Qur'ānic exegesis often have their origins in the book itself (e.g. naskh), sabab/asbāb does not: Despite the appearance of the stem sbb over 11 times in the Qur'ān (Q.2:166, , Q.18:84, Q.18:85 Q.18:89, Q.22:15, Q.38:10, Q.40:36-37), "none of the verses seem the least bit connected to a statement concerning revelatory procedure".[1]

Within exegetical literature, the use of sabab in a technical sense did not occur until relatively late: the material which would be later culled by asbāb writers used alternate phraseologies to introduce their reports, such as al-āya nazalat fī hādhā- "the verse was revealed about such and such"- or fa-anzala allāh- "so God revealed/sent down". The first sustained use of the word occurs in the tafsir of al-Tabarī and the naskh work of al-Nahhās (d. 950), where it can be seen solidifying into its later technical sense.
No asbāb works from earlier than the 11th Century are known, and it is unlikely that this genre of exegetical literature existed before then. Though there is a section titled Nuzūl al-Qur'ān in Ibn al-Nadīm's 10th Century bibliographical catalog Kitāb al-Fihrist (including one Nuzūl al-Qur'ān attributed to the semi-legendary Ibn 'Abbās as transmitted through 'Ikrima), there is no evidence to believe that most of these works ever existed, or that their ambiguous titles signify texts within the asbāb al-nuzūl genre. In Rippin's detailed examination of pre-18th Century exegetical literature, only the following four works qualify as belonging to the asbāb genre:

* Kitāb asbāb al-nuzūl (Book of occasions of revelation) by al-Wāhidī (d. 1075). The first instance of the asbāb genre and still among the most popular. It examines verses from a total of 83 different suras, with the majority of asbāb as traditional hadith reports with isnad chains of transmission.

* Asbāb al-nuzūl wa qisas al-furqāniyya by Muhammad ibn As'ad al-'Irāqī (d. 1171). Contains sabab reports mixed with qisas al-anbiyā (stories of the prophets) material. The former seem independent of al-Wāhidī's compilation and are isnad-less. Exists in two manuscripts copies, one at the Chester Beatty Library (Manuscript 5199).

* A manuscript (Berlin Staatsbibliothek, Catalog no. 3578). ascribed to al-Ja'barī, probably pseudepigraphicaly. Consists of sabab and naskh material interspersed, with the former containing very abbreviated isnads where only the first authority is listed. According to its final page this manuscript was written in 1309.

* Lubāb al-nuqūl fīq asbāb al-nuzūl by al-Suyūtī (d. 1505). A re-working of al-Wāhidī's Kitāb asbāb al-nuzūl, covering 102 suras in total. Cites a broad range of hadith, Sunnah, and tafsir material, with isnads containing only the last authority. A very popular instance of the genre, having gone through many printings and currently available within Tafsīr al-Jalālayn (Tafsīr of the Two Jalāls) [Suyūtī and Jalāl al-Dīn al-Mahallī].


Thursday, February 26, 2009

getting older

you have your own will and desire but you have no got money and luxury but u cant buy happiness..time is ticking down but you let it go..blow by the wind..
you have someone beside you but there is no love in between..

But we have faith that we must believe..He give us everything that we need..
He look upon us while we asleep..but we just keep ignore Him...

we are getting older and it`s keep running..we didn`t realize what we had been through..for all the years had pass..where are we now..where are we heading to?

for all the sacrifices that we did, what will we get?

keep me wonder and ponder and still hope for the best...

May the Almighty do the rest...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Winter Holiday~

Rehlah 2009 was to Luxor and Hurgada.Luxor (in Arabic: الأقصر al-Uqṣur) is a city in Upper (southern) Egypt and the capital of Luxor Governorate. Its population numbers 376,022 (1999 survey), and its area is about 416 square kilometres (161 sq mi) [1]. As the site of the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes, Luxor has frequently been characterized as the "world's greatest open air museum", the ruins of the temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor standing within the modern city. Immediately opposite, across the Nile River, lie the monuments, temples and tombs on the West Bank Necropolis, which include the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens.

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Hurghada (ar.: Al Ghardaqah, الغردقة) is a city in the Port Said Governorate of Egypt. It is a tourist center located on the Red Sea coast.

The city was founded in the early 20th century, and since the 1980s has been continually enlarged by Egyptian and foreign investors to become the leading seashore resort on the Red Sea. Holiday villages and hotels provide aquatic sport facilities for sailboarders, yachtsmen, scuba divers and snorkelers. Hurghada stretches for about 36 kilometres (22 mi) along the seashore, and it does not reach far into the surrounding desert.

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3 days 2 nite, it is very chip compare to SGD..relaxing and most importantly i enjoyed my trip to those places.

stay tune...

salam... :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

i am just addicted to read,on the Cairo book fair i did buy some books, English and Arabic. i came across this one book store and found out this one very interesting to me..THE IDEAL MUSLIM

i had completed reading it and honestly its very recommendable. its for those who want to be a good servant to GOD Almighty. quoted from the Holy Quran and ahadeeth prophet Muhammad (PBUH), from the story of the Sahabah and some explanation from the Islamic scholars. Trust me, its will makes you feel motivated and firmly realize that as a muslim , we must follow what had our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) done in His life time.

you should try to read it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Malazia wala seeny?

setelah selesai musim peperiksaan, saya berserta kawan-kawan malaysia berkujung ke mahatta-satu kawasan yang agak sibuk di muhafazah zaqaziq- bertujuan untuk mencari barang keperluan individu serta selipar yg tiba-tiba terputus..(hamppeh) untuk menceriakan lagi keadaan kami yang seakan baru keluar dari gua, kawasan tersebut begitu ramai orang dan riuh..antara satu sebab ialah KHAMIS MALAM JUMAAT..ibarat sabtu malam minggu di tempat kita.

setelah penat berjalan dan barang-barang yang dihajat pon sudah di beli, kami singgah satu kedai juz buah-buahan. di mesir ni memang terdapat banyak kedai juz buah-buahan.

"air tebu tiga", kata kawan saya yang berasal dari Perak.

"malazy wala seeny?", tanya peniaga kedai itu.

"malazia", jawab ahli serumah yang berasal dari Terengganu.

memang akan menjadi soalan yang paling biasa diajukan oleh orang arab mesir. soalan saya ialah kenapa kulit kita yang sawo matang ini dikaitkan dengan cina?. memang tidak dinafikan orang-orang cina begitu mashur dari dahulu lagi. kerajinan dan pembiakan mereka jugak telah menjadi salah satu faktor dimana mereka selalu kedepan berbanding kita.

ada satu ketika saya ingin berjumpa kawan saya yang tinggal di Hayyu Ashir, terdapat pasangan warga cina sedang berbual melalui internet di kedai computer. Dalam hati saya berkata, mungkin mereka akan membanjiri Mesir tidak lama lagi. kata kawan saya, pelajar perubatan baru yang akan datang tahun hadapan termasuk pelajar cina dan bukan orang melayu sahaja yang boleh belajar di mesir ini. tidak pasti kesahihannya..tunggu sahaja tahun hadapan sama ada benar atau tidak..

"berusaha dan terus berusaha

jangan hanya duduk..

dan menunggu nasib yang tidak berkunjung tiba"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Exam...over~ 1st term examination was over ....thank god, after spending a lot of time to study, memorize and revise its the time to sit back and relax...haha...(punye la happy...). of all Azhar university in Egypt, Zaqaziq branch will always finish first BUT we will get our results examination late which mean right after Cairo and all other branches had received their results...(ada pegi ada balik la kire..)

pray to god is the thing that i always do and will continue doing it until the rest of my life..
i also will call my mom directly as to seek blessing from her..

"mak...along nak amik exam ni...doakan eh?"

sound girlish? but to tell you the truth i follow this one indonesian student and he is excellent, this is how he or send sms to his family ask for blessing and at least his parent will pray to God al mighty so that their son will do well in the examination. loving each other maa...~

hmm..exam over..n next will be cairo book fair...cant wait to go there and buy some good stuff.. there are some books are recomended to buy.. but i must look at the budget first, i hope its enough. :)

that all for now..
till me we meet again..

reading make our brain going~ not dying..~

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

book fair @cairo

The 41st Cairo International Book Fair starts on January 21 till February 5 with 765 publishers from 27 countries. Head of the Fair Dr. Nasser el- Ansari will hold a press conference on January 14 in the presence of the British Ambassador Dominique Squirt, the head of the British Council Paul Smith and Sherif Salem, the head of the General Fair Authority. He will announce the full details of the Fair.

Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni said Britain will be the guest of honor this year, in which 22 publishers more than last year will participate.

Ansari said the publishing houses will exhibit in 12 pavilions their works in various fields, such as science and literature. He also said that there will be many cultural events and symposia, and that Britain will organize artistic events and round-table poetry sessions of British and Egyptian poets.

Britain’s participation is organized by the British Council, the London Book Fair and the Association of Independent Publishers.

Dr. Wahid Abdel Meguid, Vice-President of the General Fair Authority, said the main themes of the cultural events will be ‘Egypt and Africa’, ‘Jerusalem: A Cultural Capital’ and ‘Cultural Creativity’, in addition to a celebration of the golden jubilee of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture.

source: Al-masry Alyoum.

i just cant wait to go there and find some books to buy... i have been there last year...

i did purchase some books... religion especially but this year i want to purchase more...either islamic or is not the issue..i will just buy it...~!!


Monday, January 5, 2009

Our brothers~

its the issue of palestine... our brothers in islam... suffer again.. thousands are injured... hundreds been killed..

many home`s been destroyed... they are crying...feel hungry... cold... scared..

and its a big `BUT`

where are we?

what are we doing now?

what can we do to help them?

-pray for them..:

اللهم انصر إخوتنا المسلمين في غزة وثبِّت أقدامهم يا حنان يا منان
اللهم أعِزّ الإسلام والمسلمين.. اللهم وحّد كلمة المسلمين.
اللهم عليك باليهود والأمريكيين.. اللهم دمّر أعدائك وأعداء الدين.. وفرِّق جمعهم..
وزلزل الأرض من تحت أرجلهم.. يا جبار يا عزيز

we unable to be there to help them.. but with our desire and our niyah..allah will hear us and recommended our prayers...

-feel sympathy:

do read news about the latest situation... feel sympathize with what happen to them..

what if we on their shoes... what if we do not eat for the whole day...

by then it is winter time now in arab region... can you imagine how cold it would be?

make a donation:

to the organization that leads to the palestinian.. its not the matter of money...but the effort that count...

our willingness to help them in everything we have...


just pray for our daily our heaRT...remind our friends about this too...

allahumansur islama wal muslimin...fil falastin...wa fi kulli makan...