tomorrow is the big day for us muslims to celebrate Syawal after one month of wrestle and sacrifices our physical and mental
to Him the most merciful and the most compassionate. hopefully, all of our prayers will be granted and may Allah put us with
the solihin and mukminin in the `Jannah`.
preparation for eid? there`s nothing much as i still here in egypt.. not going anyway..the is no geylang serai and wat so ever
dat similar to geylang..so dats mean no dengdeng..no LEMANG..Arrgghh!!(my favourite)over here..(unless request from msian
buddy to make some) will be wearing the same outfit for this time hari raya. and will be attending event that will be held on
first day of hari raya organize by the Singapore student in cairo, egypt.
sad? hmm..kene korban ah nampaknye.. nevermind, i tell myself not to bother lah what happen in singapore.. heart pain do~
but i really do miss my parent lah especially and all of my friends.one of My friends.. mamat always sms me dis past few days
telling me that he been so damn lonely without me...(bukan gay ok..ni kawan sampai mati punya..haha) well what to do..
study come first but after dis eid..i am gonna accelerate to the max..hehe insya allah...pray for me guys...
this time around i wanna focus more...no games b4 exam...no commitment here and there..plz usop...
uuuu kan do ittttt bro~~!!
btw just wanna wish u all..selamat hari raya~~!!
~minal a izin wal faizin wal makbulin..kullu am wa antum bi khair...~