Right after Friday prayer, few of my friends and i went to visit ex Al-junied teacher who is an Egyptian. its took about two and a half hour journey from our place , Rabaah Adawiyah. When we arrived at Diard Negm,
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we performed asar prayer while waiting the Ustaz to meet us at the taxi station.
its quite a long time i havent meet Ustaz since i graduated from Al-junied.
exactly 4.30pm, we arrived at his home. it was really nice house actually, simple but yet tidy and sweet. He`s still got the Singaporean taste i could say, with television set together with two `mirwaha`..and the sofa almost cover up the whole living room..haha. Last july was his big wedding day, he told us that not many of the students visited him only a few but then he showed us his wedding photos and guest what, his wife was born in 1988...muda kan?haha..
approximately, its time to Iftar,befor the azan magrib, the Ustaz served us mango juice together with some dates. well, its good actually we started with something sweet rather then nasi beryani~~ when i at Sg..haha. after we finished the juice and dates.. the ustaz wanted to perform magrib prayer in the musolla, again its really makes me feel the way of sunnah..follow the path of our beloved prophet~~ sollu alan nabi~~!. having Egyptian dinner was tremendous and likely to say that their kind of food are not that very heavy indeed but one thing for sure..they cant avoid sweety sweet things.. and it`s a must..~~
its a good experience for me while i still in here...mix around..look around..feel the qanaah those who live in middle course yet happy and cheerful..
wah ade google map power lah... mcm gini tahu lah saya kat mana tu diar negm.. :)
dasyat ah! siap ade map! serious bloger! bagus bagus! haha
wahh.. pi umah ustz tk ajakkk..
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