The day when you grow older, you will feel that everything had gone by, makes you more mature, more independent and more caring towards others. iam a guy that appreciate friendship and iam so lucky to have wonderful friends around me. Believe in each other is one of important things in relationship. I spend more time with my friends rather then family, at the same time we also know our family background as well. got what i mean?
If we look back the life of our prophet P.B.U.H, the sahabah around him are very truthful to him. Saidina Abu Bakr for an instant,acompany him from Mekah to Madinah. Willing to die for the Prophet P.B.U.H, willing to do everything he said..yes..everything. try to have the spirit that sahabah showed were very difficult but one thing for sure we can try to follow is that, show the love towards you friends. You will find that they are also have that kind of feeling to you.
The laughter, the sadness going through all the time that we spend together and the list goes on. while i am still breathing and still walking. While the times allow me to see the significant and beautiful creation of god, i will never forget my fellow friends. we grow together as friends..then we die and bury side by side as Prophet P.B.U.H with Abu Bakr and Umar may Allah bless then with rahmah and forgiveness.
taqobal minnah ya rab.
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