sorry guys for haven`t post any article lately. i can`t sleep last few days before i get to noe my exam result. until last Thursday, i went to my faculty to check on my result. sadly to say that i failed. i was shock, stared at the notice board, my mind started to think izzit the time for me to start werk and get married? i was thinking about my parent what shall i say to them? how many dollars left for me to survive?
but after i call my mom, she said to me `nevermind there is something behind all this happened, as long as u want to continue u just proceed, pray hard and seek help from allah`. feel so sorry for my mom, feels like cheating her while iam here but iam doing my best and i am not cash out the money to make fun of it. i am not wasting my time here doing nothing. maybe Allah want me to realize the mistake and to adjust it to make it more perfect next time insya allah. i can`t change the result anyway but to redha n be patient.
sacrifice a bit more and life have to move on. what we plan sometime turn out to be different from what we want. Allah knows better for his slaves.
ya allah..guide me to the straight path of the anbiya wa solihin...
miss my family..
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